.UK and .NZ Second Level Domains - EOIs Start Jan. 7, 2014

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HEXONET will start accepting Expressions of Interest on .UK and .NZ starting January 7, 2014 at 10:00 UTC.

.UK - Second Level Domains!

As previously announced, Nominet - the official ccTLD registry of .UK - recently announced the decision to introduce second-level-domain names for the .UK namespace. Starting the summer 2014, shorter, simpler 'example.UK' domain names will be available, representing the biggest modification of the .UK namespace since it began.

Unique 'example.UK' domain names (e.g. ones that do not have an equivalent name already registered as a .co.UK or a .org.UK) will be available on a first-come, first served basis from launch. 

Over ten million existing third level .UK domain customers (co.UK) will first be offered their respective shorter second-level equivalent.  This offer is open for five years to decide whether they want the equivalent second-level domain in addition to or as a replacement of their third-level .UK domain.  Please note that whenever there is conflict between different third-level extensions using the same name string, the registrant will be offered to the .co.UK domain will take precedence. 

All of our existing third-level domains (.co.UK, .org.UK, .net.UK, .me.UK, .plc.UK, .ltd.UK and .sch.UK) will continue to run normally. 

HEXONET will enable second-level .UK EOIs (Expressions-of-Interest) starting January 7th 2014 at 10:00 UTC.  Once any policy (including grandfathered policies) and the times/dates are announced, information on converting EOI's into applications will follow.


.NZ - Second Level Domains!

On October 11, 2013, the Council of InternetNZ (Internet New Zealand Inc) approved a proposal from the subsidiary Domain Name Commission Ltd to allow second-level domain name registrations. Allowing registrations at the second-level, for instance registering theirname.nz instead of theirname.co.nz  will truly give New Zealanders much more choice and flexibility. No changes will be made to the existing second levels - all existing domain names will continue to be available, and people will still be able to register new domain names in the current third-level domains like .co.nz, .org.nz.

A final policy implementing the proposal will be subject to public consultation in 2014. 

HEXONET will enable .NZ EOIs (Expressions-of-Interest) as of January 7th 2014 at 10:00 UTC.  Once any policy (including grandfathered policies) and the times/dates are announced, information on converting EOI's into application will follow.  Please keep in mind, that the dawn of new TLDs is on the horizon, which will also give people from New Zealand the opportunity to register another localized extension - .KIWI.